Snakes are all over the news today!
Creepy: Scientists figure out how snakes slither.
RUW: Israel develops a robot snake that can spy on enemies and plant bombs.
Yipes: Hundreds of poisonous snakes overtake police station.
Health: 11 amazing animals that improve your health.
Health: Anti-depressants can make sperm sad.
Sad: 1,500 Chicago city employees laid off.
Aww: Rare yellow lobster, only 1 in 30 million, is spared the pot.
TV: New popular Japanese cartoon is about a lucky piece of poop.
Duh: Men prefer averagely shaped women.
Lame: Lawyer has sex with client and then bills her for his time!
Yipes: Peru police kill dozens of protesters, toss bodies in river.
Sad: Australian police kill Aborigine by letting him roast alive in hot prison van.
Politics: Mayor barred from talking to employees.