Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Super ants taking over Europe.

Not that Europe isn't easy to invade, but still... From Yahoo! News:

An ant species that originated in the Black Sea region has invaded more than 100 areas across Europe and is moving north. Scientists say if it is not stopped, it will reach Northern Germany, Scandinavia and Britain and could invade the whole world.

The pest, called Lasius neglectus, destroys native ant species as it invades new territory. It has also invaded much of Asia.

[....] "Its rapid spread through Europe and Asia [is] the most recent example of a pest ant that may become a global problem," the scientists write.

Ants thrive all over the world because they are very adaptive. Urban ants, for example, have adapted to the extreme heat of city living. Scientists estimate there are about 20,000 different species globally. The combined weight of ants in the Brazilian Amazon is thought to be four times greater than the combined mass of all of the mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians there.

When they arrive in new locations, ants can be extremely aggressive and very detrimental to local flora and fauna.

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