Thursday, January 1, 2009

Adam Coozer's 2009 Resolutions.

In 2009, I resolve to:

1. Become thin, sexy, and rich so that people have a legitimate reason to hate me.

2. Help the Beastie Boys stop when they can't, won't, or don't.

3. Have something named after me in the DSM-V.

4. Finish my screenplay for Indiana Jones & the 11 Secret Herbs and Spices.

5. Create a rock so heavy that God can't lift it.

6. Never, EVER go to where the wild things are.

7. Some nicknames are given. Others are earned. "Pickles" is one I must earn.

8. Try to stop mentioning Gary Carter whenever I'm on #8 of a list.

9. Work out my Snarf issues with a licensed therapist.

10. Convince media-savvy blog readers that Coozer Files is totally worth bookmarking. snarf snarf


Steve from Moon said...

#3 is the best!

Happy New Year!


Larissa said...

Hey- I totally bookmarked you!