Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Man's shaggy eyebrows trimmed for charity.

George Whipple should do this! PS - Polio is still around? From Breitbart:
A 72-year-old Indiana man with eyebrows so long he brushed them each morning raised $1,600 for charity from people who paid to take turns trimming his out-of-control brows.

Some of the wiry hairs shorn from Si Burgher's shaggy eyebrows measured more than seven centimetres long because the former jeweller's brows had never been trimmed. Burgher's eyebrows were so long he used to brush them before leaving the house.

But he agreed to have the overgrown brows tamed last week by members of the Bloomfield Rotary Club to raise money for a polio eradication campaign.

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