Friday, February 20, 2009

Robot Uprising Watch: US Navy warns that military robots can destroy humankind.

This ain't no paranoid blogger flim-flam. This comes from a high-ranking military report!
Autonomous military robots that will fight future wars must be programmed to live by a strict warrior code, or the world risks untold atrocities at their steely hands.

The stark warning — which includes discussion of a "Terminator"-style scenario in which robots turn on their human masters — is part of a hefty report funded by and prepared for the U.S. Navy's high-tech and secretive Office of Naval Research.

The report, the first serious work of its kind on military robot ethics, envisages a fast-approaching era where robots are smart enough to make battlefield decisions that are at present the preserve of humans.

Eventually, it notes, robots could come to display significant cognitive advantages over Homo sapiens soldiers.

More on how we're doomed here.


Larissa said...

Brilliant. More and better ways of killing people. That's progress for you.

We really are doomed.

Adam Coozer said...

I don't even trust my electric toothbrush, let alone a robot designed to kill people.