Friday, July 24, 2009

Robot bride takes over catwalk.

Robot brides?! We're doooomed! From ABC News:
A humanoid robot designed by Japanese scientists made its debut as a catwalk model in Osaka Wednesday.

Her official name is "HRP-4C" but her creators are calling her "Miim." The very realistic looking female wore a wedding gown designed by Japanese bridal fashion designer Yumi Katsura. As she progressed down the catwalk Miim told the audience how happy she was to be wearing a wedding dress for the first time.

Miim was developed by Japan's Institute for Science and Technology. They admit she doesn't have the same moves as "real" fashion models, but they say she'll get better with a little more technology.

Miim's creator compared his feelings to those he might have on his daughter's wedding day, saying he was "really nervous."

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