Thursday, September 3, 2009

Chubby Hubby supports gay marriage.

My all-time favorite ice cream has just turned gay. Which is apropos since I've popped many a chubby over Chubby Hubby. From Huffington Post:
To show support for a new Vermont law legalizing gay marriage, the iconic ice cream maker Ben & Jerry's has renamed its popular "Chubby Hubby" flavor. The new flavor, which Ben & Jerry's is producing in partnership with Freedom To Marry, will be called "Hubby Hubby."

For the next 30 days, Hubby Hubby will be available across Vermont. The product's packaging will feature two men in tuxedos getting married. Here's the Boston Herald:

"In the meantime, a wedding-themed Ben & Jerry's truck will hand out free "Hubby Hubby" across Vermont today. Scheduled stops include the Vermont Capitol, where lawmakers passed a gay-marriage law that takes effect today. Ben & Jerry's six Vermont ice cream parlors also plan to sell special "Hubby Hubby" sundaes during September."

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