Friday, September 5, 2008

8 more shocking revelations about Sarah Palin.

I'm trying to avoid the Palin-bashing bandwagon (cmon guys - she looks like Tina Fey!), but this article has some interesting tidbits. Some of these "shocking revelations" are now leaking into the mainstream media and a couple are somewhat petty, but there are some gems I hadn't heard about.

For instance, Palin pressured local libraries to ban books with inappropriate language, threatening to fire the librarian if she didn't comply, and she mismanaged a recent business venture (running a car wash, of all things.... while mayor!).

This article also goes over some of the rougher patches of her record.


the people downstairs said...

Oh yeah. We are absolutely safe with her especially after she accepts the presidency when McCain dies of old age while in office. NOT.

Anonymous said...

Here's an article on Palin's abyssmal environmental track record