Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Trend Spotting: Talking into teddy bears.

A hot new trend has hit the streets of Tokyo - mobile teddy bear phones!

That's right - what could be easier than carrying around a giant teddy bear and then talking into its crotch? From CScout Japan:
At the 2008 Good Design Expo PHS mobile provider Willcom showed off their concept Kuma Phone (Bear Phone), a stuffed bear that holds a SIM card and can actually be used for making and receiving phone calls by holding it up to your ears.

[...] The bear seems a bit silly and, yes, “Japanese” by cuteness standards, but the idea is fun and was adored by the expo crowd. You can save up to four speed dial numbers in the bear, one in each paw, which are activated by pinching internal sensors. It vibrates and makes custom noises for incoming calls, which can be answered and finished by pressing the tail.


Jodi said...

Hahaha, that's so absurd!

Adam Coozer said...

Absurd? ABSURD?!! Oh, sorry, hold on - my Glow Worm is ringing.