Monday, September 8, 2008

New type of Pocky discovered in the Amazon.

CandyAddict, the only blog that matters, stumbled upon a very unique Pocky flavor - Brazilian Pudding! Samba over to their review of multicultural coated pretzel snackage!

“Ooh, a new flavor of Pocky,” I said to myself. No, not out loud, in my head – what, do you think I wanted all the other shoppers to think I was crazy? “The box is kind of pretty. Wait, what the… Brazilian Pudding? What in the blue blazes is Brazilian Pudding?” The only things I could name that came from Brazil were Brazil nuts, jaguars and Brazilian waxing (and we are so not going to go there on a family website). None of those things had anything to do with pudding or Japanese chocolate-coated pretzel sticks.

My curiosity had to be satisfied, so I picked up a box. After all, there was a toucan on the front, and I’ve never been steered wrong by a product with a toucan on the box.

1 comment:

VogonPoet said...

I love that quote: "CandyAddict, the only blog that matters" LOL!
