Saturday, October 25, 2008

Panama: Day 3: Bocas del Toro

Bocas del Toro is the northwest region of Panama, comprised of a wooded mainland bordering Costa Rica and a series of (I think) a bazillion islands.

From Panama City, we flew into Bocas in one of those small propeller planes held together by duct tape and prayer. We stayed in Bocas Town - a dusty town on the south side of Isla Colon lined by waterfront hostels, hotels, restaurants, and bars, and vibrant with an Afro-Caribbean culture. It's a haven for off-the-beaten-path travelers, people sick of Costa Rica, and pirates. Well, maybe not pirates, but with its hot, dusty days, and loud, raucous nights, not to mention the many islands in which to hide and strike, it doesn't take much to imagine Bocas Town as a one-time home base for ruffians, rakes, and other grog swillers. Yar.

On the first day, we took a boat to a beach area called Boca del Drago where tiny fish swam around our legs. We then took a boat to Bird Island - an amazing island inhabited by only birds and crabs. It's a massive breeding colony for various shore birds and it looked like something out of The Lost World. A tropical island with hundreds of giant birds flying around it is easy to imagine, but it was an impressive sight.

Brown boobies. *giggle*

Two big brown boobies. *snicker*

Don't you wanna just squeeze these boobies? *guffaw*

Another cool place was Starfish Beach. As the name suggests, starfish proliferate all down the beach, making wading through the water a colorful experience.


Molly said...

Wow, this place looks really amazing! And not just because of all the boobies. :-)

Steve from Moon said...

Ever have the feeling you've been cheated?