Friday, October 24, 2008

Russia freezes student loans during economic crisis.

Sucks. From Moscow Times:
Hundreds of the country's brightest students fear possible expulsion from their universities for failing to pay tuition fees after their student loans were frozen amid the financial crisis.

Well under 1 percent of the country's 7 million students receive financial aid, an infant industry in Russia, but they represent a large percentage of the nation's up-and-coming talent, with many enrolled in top universities.

At risk are students with loans from a program called Kredo, which is underwritten by the company Krein and has been offered through Soyuz Bank since 2003.

The loans are offered to students at 21 prestigious state institutions, including Moscow State University. A total of 4,400 students have received the loans, of which 3,500 are currently students, according to figures from Kredo.

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