Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lesbian seduction leads to singer biting off man's nose.

From Colombia Reports:

A Colombian businessman will have to undergo numerous cosmetic operations after his nose was allegedly bitten off by singer Julio Nava at a bar in Bogotá.

Businssman Santiago Montoya told Radio W, that the incident was sparked by a lesbian encounter. He and his girlfriend Ingrid Callejas were at El Sitio bar with his April 28th when Nava's girlfriend approached Callejas and attempted to engage her sexually. Callejas protested and Montoya intervened. Montoya said his intervention provoked the attack from Nava.

"He could have punched me and held me to the ground, but no. His reaction was to grab me, throw me to the ground, bite my nose off and chew it. Then he and his girlfriend left smiling," said Montoya.

He said he then looked for the piece of his nose on the floor but couldn't find it. " I never saw him spit it out".

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