Friday, October 9, 2009

Bible recreated with Legos.

From Ananova:
The Bible has been recreated in Lego in the world's most comprehensive illustrated online version of the Good Book.

The Brick Testament features more than 4,500 illustrations, depicting more than 400 Bible tales from Genesis to Revelations, reports the Daily Telegraph.

Displayed online at, it is the ongoing project of one man, Brendan Powell Smith, nicknamed The Reverend, who says he isn't "at all religious".
He says it is intended to educate people about the Bible "in a way that is fun and compelling, while remaining true to the text of the scriptures".

"To this end, all stories are retold using direct quotes from The Bible," said Mr Smith.

It is huge, detailed, occasionally gory and frequently satirical. The excerpts from 1 Samuel are entitled "Saul rejected for incomplete genocide", after the leader of the Israelites left some sheep and cattle alive after being ordered to exterminate the Amalekites.

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