Sunday, January 31, 2010

Army: Trauma is a good thing!

Some reassuring news from Army Times:
“Ever since my truck was hit with that IED, I’m getting along better with people and my views about things have changed. I actually seem happier. I thought things like this were supposed to mess you up. Am I crazy?”

Those words came from a service member with whom I worked during my first tour in Iraq. My response to him: “No, you are not crazy.”

Being exposed to traumatic experiences can alter how a person views the world — sometimes for the better. Post-traumatic growth is receiving much attention in the military mental health community. PTG is a scientific and philosophical approach to understanding the positive changes that can occur in individuals after a traumatic experience.

In the past, trauma has been viewed as a cause of psychological dysfunction. However, research shows that not all people develop sustained psychological problems after trauma. Some actually become emotionally and socially healthier after trauma exposure.

Why does this happen? Just as a building’s foundation can shift from an earthquake, how a person views and interprets the world can be shaken from a traumatic or series of traumatic events.

For example, after narrowly escaping serious injury or death, a service member who hates his life may adopt the worldview that “life is precious and I should be thankful for each day I have on Earth.” A service member who loses a best friend to a Humvee rollover comes to believe that “loved ones can leave this world at any moment, so it’s important to spend as much time with them as you can.”

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