Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hung jury in case of cat beaten to death.

This is sickening. Who thinks beating a cat to death isn't cruel? From Newsday:
A Manhattan judge declared a hung jury Friday at the trial of a former minor league baseball player accused of beating, stomping and kicking his girlfriend's cat to death during a drunken fury.

Emerging after five days of deliberations, the jurors -- looking haggard -- nodded when the judge asked if it would be pointless to continue.

Juror Doug Collman told reporters that the vote had been 11 to 1 in favor of conviction on aggravated animal cruelty, a felony carrying a prison term of up to 2 years.

Prosecutors said Joseph Petcka complained that his girlfriend loved the cat more than she loved him. The defense said Petcka overreacted when he was bitten, but did not intentionally kill Norman, the declawed feline.

Petcka looked straight ahead when the conclusion was announced.

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