Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Being generous is sexy.

Women like guys who buy them things? No! From the University of Nottingham:
Displays of altruism or selflessness towards others can be sexually attractive in a mate. This is one of the findings of a study carried out by biologists and a psychologist at The University of Nottingham.

In three studies of more than 1,000 people Dr Tim Phillips and his fellow researchers discovered that women place significantly greater importance on altruistic traits that anything else. Their findings have been published in the British Journal of Psychology.

Dr Phillips said: “Evolutionary theory predicts competition between individuals and yet we see many examples in nature of individuals disadvantaging themselves to help others. In humans, particularly, we see individuals prepared to put themselves at considerable risk to help individuals they do not know for no obvious reward.”


Danny said...

Adam must be back at work. How do I know? It wasn't easy at first, but the keen eye will notice the 15new blog entries on his blog. Once you see this, you can't believe you didn't see it sooner.

By the way, no blog entry on Madonna to divorce director Ritchie? Obviously it's important news... it's currently the headline article of cnn.

Adam Coozer said...

Guydonna broke up?!!!