Wednesday, October 15, 2008

McCain is creepy.

Just a quick aside, but who else felt that McCain in tonight's debate was like that old guy in your neighborhood who walks around shirtless and doughy and curses a lot under his breath and smells faintly of urine and you always wonder if perhaps he is homeless and sorta think he is awesome in his own weird, creepy way?

I have to say this - after tonight's debate, there is no doubt in my mind that I want John McCain to be my cantankerous boxcar hobo pal. Obama could be president all he wants, but me and Johnny Fruitcakes are gonna get drunk on the curb and give you the ol' stinkeye. Joe the Plumber is welcome to join.


Steve from Moon said...

McCain said so many nasty, untrue things about Obama during last night's debate that I wanted to reach through the TV screen and punch him in the face!

Actually, he does seem like someone you want to be my 'cantankerous boxcar hobo pal' (which describes him to a 't' and makes me LOL!).

Actually, McCain's creepy smile and stare that he put on whenever Obama was speaking was truly disturbing. What do we know about his time as a POW? Did the commies brainwash him and implant a special word in his mind that will trigger him to go all ape-poop at the right moment? Is he the ultimate Manchurian Candidate?

(Hey, if the GOP can do a whispering campaign that Obama is a Muslim--he's not, or a terrorist--he's not, or going to raise your taxes if you make UNDER $250,000 a year--he's not, he's only going to raise taxes on the rich and corporations who've had a pretty good ride during the Bush years, why can't I insinuate that McCain is a kind of crazy, psycho guy? He's certainly a war hero, but he's a bit nutty, isn't he?

Adam Coozer said...

And how about his constant blinking when he talks? His eyelids flutter so much, it's a good thing he's got lumpy cheeks or his face would fly away!