Friday, September 19, 2008

FDA is trying to kill us all with plastic.

So the FDA recently told everyone that the ubiquitous plastic all around us is safe. And yet a more recent scientific study just confirmed that it can cause every debilitating disease under the sun. So why would the FDA lie? From WebMD:

A recent draft report by FDA scientists concluded that the amount of BPA humans typically consume in food and drinks does not pose a health risk.

Craig Henry, chief operating officer for the Grocery Manufacturers Association, submitted testimony at the hearing that the FDA performed a thorough, well-documented review of the available toxicological information. He said the research used a sound analytical approach and that the FDA's evaluation of the science on BPA was comprehensive.

And Steven Hentges, PhD, a scientist with the American Plastics Council, called the FDA's preliminary review "completely appropriate." He also said the industry supports more research into alleged brain and other health effects of BPA.

Glad to hear the Grocery Manufacturers Association and the American Plastics Council provide information to the FDA and supports their "completely appropriate" review. I am sure these groups are completely unbiased and not looking after their own interests, which would be the manufacturing and selling of plastic products.

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