Thursday, August 21, 2008

Anonymous donor interested in freeing SeaWorld animals.

This guy is my hero. PETA has announced that it has a mystery donor who is interested in buying all the SeaWorld animals so they can be freed. The donor would also use his money to replace the animals with virtual reality or animatronic displays (hopefully of the Chuck E. Cheese variety - the world needs a dolphin-robot jug band).

Look, I get it that SeaWorld provides educational services and rehabilitates some animals. But if this donor were to actually come through (assuming he's got billions of dollars), I have to say it's money well spent.

Unless of course the coddled, bred-in-captivity animals get immediately eaten in the wild.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It would be great if Anheuser-Busch agreed to the sale but I'd be surprised if they did.