Monday, August 18, 2008

Zombie Watch: Aborted baby reanimates after 5 hours in freezer.

From the Jerusalem Post:

A premature baby who was pronounced dead "came back to life" Sunday after five hours in Nahariya Hospital.

The baby girl, who was in a cooler at the hospital, suddenly showed signs of life and was being treated in the premature baby unit.

Doctors estimated that the cooler brought the fetus "back to life."

The mother, 26, from a Western Galilee village, was in the fifth month of her pregnancy when she underwent a series of tests, during which it was discovered that she was suffering from internal bleeding and that the embryo had ceased to show signs of life.

The woman underwent an abortion and the baby, weighing 610 grams, was extracted from her womb without a pulse, hospital officials said.

I am 100% pro-choice, and I hate being alarmist, but clearly aborted babies are rising up to exact their revenge.

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