Friday, August 22, 2008

GET OUT AND VOTE (for Jelly Belly).

Look, I know you're apathetic about the process and feel that your vote doesn't count. I know you once cared and were greatly disappointed. But you can't give up. You need to get over your cynicism and HAVE YOUR VOICE HEARD. I'm talking, of course, about Jelly Belly's new flavor.

According to my fave blog, Candy Addict (who, by the way, came up with their own ingenious "Girly Beans"), Jelly Belly has asked the public for flavor suggestions. They received 200,000 ideas, and whittled them down to five: Sublime Chili Lime, Honey, Thai Iced Tea, Mojito, and Acai Berry.

Vote for your candidate, but The Coozer Files strongly endorses Thai Iced Tea. The Thai Iced Tea Jelly Belly would turn this country around and give us hope for change.

This is Adam Coozer and I approve this message.

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