Saturday, August 23, 2008

Rice bran contains dangerous levels of arsenic.

Per New Scientist:
Rice bran – a so-called "superfood" – might contain dangerous amounts of a natural poison.

A new study suggests that rice bran, the shavings left over after brown rice is polished to produce white rice grains, contains "inappropriate" levels of arsenic. Andrew Meharg at the University of Aberdeen, UK, and colleagues found that the levels of arsenic in rice bran products available on the internet and used in food-aid programmes funded by the US government would be illegal in China – the only country in the world to have standards for how much arsenic is permissible in food.

Actually, it's the last line that interests me. China, of all countries, is the only one with arsenic standards for its food?? China, the country that exports lead and poison under the guise of toys and pet food??

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