Sunday, August 3, 2008


I just watched the season finale of Doctor Who, drunk, and didn't understand a second of it. As a recent Cult of Who inductee, I probably wouldn't have understood it sober anyway. But one thing I did get was the Daleks' hatred of humankind, as illustrated by their piercingly shrill sentiment to "EXTERMINATE!"

As such, I've established this blog to highlight the idiocracy of humankind. Via news posts and articles, I'll contend that we should collectively hurl ourselves off a cliff.

There are some things I enjoy - food, booze, travel, pretty girls including my wife, Rusty the cat, the nubs on Daleks that remind me of candy buttons - and will post about them accordingly and as the mood strikes. For now, though, please join me in hating everything.

Jah Love,

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