Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Trend Spotting: Heroin

What's the latest craze among suburban youth? Is it milkshakes? Sock hops? Eggplant blintzes?

No, it's heroin!

From ABC News

Nationwide, the number of people who said they used heroin in the last month grew from 119,000 in 2003 to 338,000 in 2006, the latest years for which statistics are available, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. In 2006, 3.7 million Americans said they had used heroin at some point; about 60,000 were under 18.

Why the spike? It's kind of funny, actually. It's because Oxycontin is now too expensive.

"Unfortunately, 18 to 26 is our big target audience," said Dave Spakowicz, a special agent at the Wisconsin Department of Justice who heads the Milwaukee High Density Drug Trafficking Heroin Initiative. "The price of Oxycontin has doubled in the last year and a half in the Milwaukee area. People are moving to heroin."

Damn you, pharmaceutical companies! Make your barely legal devastatingly addictive drugs cheaper!!

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