Monday, August 4, 2008

Mars Attacks!

The White House has been quietly briefed about the "potential for life" on Mars, according to Universe Today. As the article points out, we've discovered water on Mars a few times already, but this time there may be very strong evidence of life once having existed there.

From the article:

So why is there all this secrecy? According to scientists in communication with Aviation Week & Space Technology, the next big discovery will need to be mulled over for a while before it is announced to the world. In fact, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory science team for the MECA wet-chemistry instrument that made these undisclosed findings were kept out of the July 31st news conference (confirming water) so additional analysis could be carried out, avoiding any questions that may have revealed their preliminary results. They have also made the decision to discuss the results with the Bush Administration's Presidential Science Advisor's office before a press conference between mid-August and early September.


Danny said...

This blog is great! You said that you'd be updating it 5-10 times a day and I thought you were kidding! Silly me. It's day 2 of your blog and there are 15 posts already. Keep it up! :)

Adam Coozer said...

Hey, thanks! Keep checking back for updates and interesting items!