Friday, August 8, 2008

NY Press are witches!

I don't normally check my horoscope, but this is scarily dead-on.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
What started out looking like a lot of fun has turned out to be a total drag. You weren’t led to this place by false pretenses, per se, but you may as well have been, because what you saw is not what you got. In other words, the glimpse you got beforehand understandably caused you to make assumptions that were far from accurate. Sometimes that can lead to pleasant surprises, but in this case, it didn’t. That mostly lets you off the hook. I wouldn’t just walk away from this without a word, but I would walk away. Offer an honest, non-bitchy explanation about what you’re up to, then take your leave.
I think it's time to become a full-time stay-at-home dad for my cat.

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